Drink driving falls as new law hits home

The reduction in the nine-month period until August was almost twice that reported anywhere else in Britain
The reduction in the nine-month period until August was almost twice that reported anywhere else in Britain

Stringent new drink-driving laws in Scotland have brought a marked drop in offences.

New figures reveal that the number of motorists caught over the legal alcohol limit fell by nearly 13 per cent after it was reduced from 80mg to 50mg of alcohol in 100ml of bloodlast December.

The reduction in the nine-month period until August was almost twice that reported anywhere else in Britain.

Neil Greig, of the Institute of Advanced Motorists, said that the none-for-the-road message was hitting home. “Increasingly, people are not prepared to gamble with their licences by taking even one drink now,” he said.

“Whereas before, there was the temptation to have one pint, or glass of wine, more and more motorists are fearful the lower limit could put them