Video is a high-converting type of content for marketers, and has been for several years. It’s no secret thatvideo is a trend that is not going away. Plus, it is being used by nearly every industry. If you need to add video to your marketing mix, consider these facts.

1. Video Content Converts

When it comes to increasing conversion rates, video gives you a boost. Because video is a storytelling-medium, people are more engaged with it. We remember videos longer, and are more interested in video content than other types. People take action more frequently after watching a video about a product or service.

2. Video Content Gets Preferential Treatment

It is served up by Google and Facebook more than other types of content. YouTube is owned by Google, and websites with YouTube-embedded videos are more likely to be shown in search results. Facebook, which prefers you to upload video content directly to their platform, rather than linking from YouTube or other sites, also favors video content in its algorithm.

3. Video Is Good for SEO

Video content generally keeps users on web pages longer, increasing the time spent on page. Video tags are indexed by Google and other search engines, so making sure your video content is optimized, can increase your site’s search results.

4. Video Is Viral Content

Because video is easy to share, and people like to share stories with others, it has greater potential to go viral. Don’t forget, the more content is shared organically, the less you need to spend in advertising.

5. Video Allows You to Be Creative

The most important aspect of video as a medium, is the fact that you can do so many things with it! You can be funny or informative in your video. Videos can be animated, or feature the face of your company. Demonstration videos can tell people how to use a product, while sizzle reels can capture a brand’s mood and tone. The potential is nearly unlimited with video content.

If you aren’t harnessing the power of video in your business, you might need to ask yourself if your competition is. Today, video production costs are more affordable than ever before. There is no doubt it can produce the greatest return on your investment. As you plan for the new year, take a moment to consider adding a video content strategy to your budget.