Catholic World News

USCCB urges Catholics to lobby for dramatic reduction in nuclear weapons

March 06, 2012

The Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is urging Catholics to lobby for a dramatic reduction in nuclear weapons.

“The Obama administration is currently weighing cuts in US nuclear forces,” a USCCB action alert states. “Within weeks, the President will be making important, once-in-a-decade decisions on the Presidential nuclear weapons policy ‘guidance.’”

“Now is our opportunity to make our voices heard by pressing President Obama to make good on his commitment to ‘put an end to Cold War thinking’ and pursue further, dramatic steps that would make us all safer from the threat of nuclear weapons,” the action alert continued.

The USCCB asks Catholics to sign a petition to President Obama that states:

In the coming weeks, I urge you to end outdated US nuclear war-fighting strategy, dramatically reduce the number of US nuclear weapons and the number of submarines, missiles, and bombers that carry those weapons, and take US nuclear weapons off high alert. Maintaining large numbers of nuclear forces on alert increases the risk of accident or miscalculation.

By taking these steps, you will facilitate reductions in Russia's nuclear arsenal, encourage other nuclear-armed countries to join in reductions, and move us closer to a world free of nuclear weapons.


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  • Posted by: unum - Mar. 07, 2012 9:23 AM ET USA

    The Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is an excellent example of action by members of the hierarchy who yearn for a political role and are willing to abandon their duties as bishops to get it. Their PR release neither educates the laity or provides a clear role for Catholics in an effective campaign to reduce the nuclear threat to our world. It is clear that no adults are in charge at the USCCB.

  • Posted by: Franz10108953 - Mar. 07, 2012 12:35 AM ET USA

    This is one of a series of recent pronouncements from the USCCB strongly supportive of left wing preoccupations. Given that the USCCB typically acts as an arm of the Democratic Party one is given the impression that they are feeling guilty about breaking ranks on the contraception mandate and are trying to "make up for it" by supporting every other Obama pet project lest they be mistaken for conservatives.

  • Posted by: impossible - Mar. 06, 2012 11:49 PM ET USA

    The USCCB needs to heed the official church and stop making concrete pronouncements on secular matters about which they have no competence. One wonders about their competence in general. How embarrassing that the Obama has done so well with their disinformation campaign about birth control by using one of the USCCB's favorite words, "access." Check it out in Faithful Citizenship. To Obama and USCCB it's fair to say the word means "entitlement" paid for with other peoples money.

  • Posted by: - Mar. 06, 2012 9:51 PM ET USA

    Why is the USCCB further dissipating its already severely reduced credibility by getting into a policy issue for which it has no apparent expertise?

  • Posted by: jimpoc8837 - Mar. 06, 2012 7:17 PM ET USA

    A majority of people who identify themselves as Catholic do not believe in the Real Presence, approve of gay "marriage", approve of and use contraception and accept abortion in some cases, yet the USCCB keeps nattering on about nuclear arms??? I think the Bishops deserve a failing grade as shepherds of the flock and defenders of the deposit of faith. How will they ever be able to rally the folks in the pews to oppose the HHS mandate?

  • Posted by: Gil125 - Mar. 06, 2012 1:40 PM ET USA

    This will keep Iran from developing nukes. Sure.

  • Posted by: Duns Scotus - Mar. 06, 2012 11:51 AM ET USA

    Editors of AMERICA, call your office, the Bishops are meddling in the details of policy again.